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Disappearing Hourglass

Vera Smith’s “Disappearing 9 Patch” Quilt Camp really piqued my interest. As a result, the fabric for a Double Disappearing 9 Patch quilt awaits me in UFO storage. Recently a Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting episode on PBS featured a Disappearing Hourglass square. Of course, I had to learn more. Here’s how to make your own blocks.

Arrange four half-square triangles and sew them together to create an Hourglass block. Cut the block into thirds— horizontally and vertically. One tip from the Fons and Porter program was to measure out from the center seam, not in from the edges. Then rearrange the pieces.

Here are some of the options:

For Disappearing Hourglass tips and a link to an instructional video, go to

A chart that does the math for a variety of square sizes and yardage requirements can be found at

Download the handout and try your own block.

Disappearing Hour Glass
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