General BPQ Workshop Information
Unless otherwise posted, classes will start at 10 AM and end at 4:30 PM with a 30-minute break for lunch. Please plan to arrive at the classroom location at the time indicated on your registration confirmation (typically 9:30 am for most classes, by 9:45 am for long arm classes). When you arrive, you will need to move your class supplies into the classroom, possibly move your car, and set up as appropriate for the class.
In 2024, classes will be held either at APQS or at Issaquah Sew & Vac depending on the nature of the class. Please see below for general information on the specific locations.
For all classes, you may bring your own lunch or purchase from nearby delivery and to go restaurants.
Registration confirmation and a supply list for your particular class will be sent by e-mail in advance. Please check your confirmation e-mail carefully to insure you are signed up for the class you intended.
Confirmation of signup during member-only registration and at member prices is dependent upon payment of member dues for the current calendar year.
Please also note that by signing up as a member, you are committing to work at least 2 shifts at our annual quilt show in November.