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Kathy Doughty

Kathy Doughty

Then to Now

Friday, December 5, 2025

Learn the influences, trends and fashions of the last 30  years as seen through Kathy’s unique perspective.  As an obsessed quilter for over 30  years, she’s been uniquely poised to work with the best the industry has to offer in textiles, designers and techniques.  Started as a self - taught quilter before falling headfirst into owning a patchwork shop.  Material Obsession opened in 2003 and quickly became known for creativity.

Included are stories and observations about the industry that affect quilters in general. Although rooted in tradition, Material Obsession started at the beginning of the modern movement combining the best of tradition with the freshness of modern in every way.

Kathy is a well- known quilt designer, international teacher, author of 6 books and fabric designer for FreeSpirit and Figo Fabrics.  She’ll share process details of designing fabric collections.

Most recently her passion is Organic Applique … the path to taking control of creative projects!

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